The monetary value of your inventory shows how much money you can earn if you sell all of your products today. The goal is to convert these products into the capital to be able to invest them for future supply. Therefore, knowing your value in stock gives you a hint about how much of your inventory you should sell before injecting more money into buying new products.
What products are included?
The value in stock is the total value of inventory based on the sales price and buying price shown separately. All products except deleted ones are included in this calculation.
How value in stock based on the sales price is calculated?
The sales price of each product multiplied by the stock count gives us the total value in stock based on the sales price.
How value in stock based on the purchase price is calculated?
The purchase price of each product multiplied by the stock count gives us the total value in stock based on the purchase price.
The purchase price is synced from Shopfiy. Please visit Shopify's article here.
You can access the "Value in stock" section from your Control Center.