Your suppliers have a huge impact on the success of your store. In order to create purchase orders and forecast out-of-stocks, it is important to match your products with suppliers.
How Fabrikatör handles suppliers initially
When you first set up Fabrikatör:
We automatically import your Shopify Vendors as suppliers based on your decision on Get Started Page
Each product is initially assigned to its corresponding Vendor
You can modify these assignments at any time
How to match suppliers to products
Method 1: Using the Product Configuration Page (Recommended)
Go to the Product Configuration Page by clicking on "Configure" > "Products" in the left sidebar
Find the products you want to update using search or filters
Click directly in the Supplier column for a product
Select an existing supplier or type a new supplier name
The change will save automatically
Method 2: Using Bulk Edit
Go to the Replenish page
Select the products you want to update
Click "Bulk Edit"
Select "Set Supplier"
Choose the supplier from the dropdown
Click "Save"
Tips for effective supplier management
Use consistent naming conventions for suppliers
Group products by supplier when possible
Update supplier information whenever changes occur
Use filters to find products with specific types, tags, or vendors
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