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Why is there a warning for suggested restock?
Why is there a warning for suggested restock?
Demirhan Aydin avatar
Written by Demirhan Aydin
Updated over 5 months ago

On the Replenish Page and PO Create Page in Fabrikatör, you may occasionally see a warning icon next to the Suggested Restock value. Here’s why this happens and how you can address it:

the suggested restock has a warning

Why You See This Warning

The warning indicates that the algorithm’s restock suggestion has a low confidence level, which means it may not be reliable enough for automated replenishment. Here are a couple of key reasons this might occur:

Limited Sales History: If a product has minimal or inconsistent sales data, it can be challenging for the algorithm to confidently predict demand.

Frequent Out-of-Stock Days: If a product has been out of stock often within the forecasting window, this can lead to less reliable restocking suggestions.

Adjusting Forecasting Days to Improve Confidence

To enhance restock confidence, consider adjusting the forecasting days. You can do this to account for a wider period of sales data, providing the algorithm with more information to generate accurate predictions.


1. Move your mouse over the product name to view its sales performance history.

2. If the sales history is sparse over the last 7 days, try expanding the forecasting window to 30, 60, or 90 days for improved suggestions.

For more detailed instructions, see the Setting Forecasting Days article.

On the PO Create Page

When creating a purchase order from the Replenishment or Reports page, the Suggested Restock Low Confidence warning appears when historical data is lacking. This allows you to manually review and adjust restock quantities to achieve a more reliable restock plan.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a more confident approach to replenishing inventory and improving stock accuracy.

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