To easily share a Purchase Order (PO) with your supplier in Fabrikatör, follow these steps:
1. Access Your Purchase Orders
Go to Purchase Orders page in Fabrikatör.
Choose the PO you want to share with your supplier.
2. Share the Purchase Order
3. Customize and Send the PO
After clicking the "Share" button, you will see the following screen with options for:
Subject: The email subject line.
Message: A customizable message to accompany your PO.
Attachments: PDF and CSV documents initially set by Fabrikatör with default templates.
Choose Your Template: You can select your desired PDF or CSV template from the available options. Also you can create new templates.
Optional Attachments: You can choose not to attach any PDF or CSV to the PO if desired.
Select the Supplier: Choose the supplier you want to share the PO with.
Share the PO: Click the "Share" button to send the PO to your supplier.
If you don't know how to create a PO, check the following article about the details: