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Explained: Reports Dimensions
Explained: Reports Dimensions

Let's go over all available dimensions and what they mean for you briefly

Sophia avatar
Written by Sophia
Updated over a year ago

As of writing this article, Fabrikatör has 9 different dimensions on the Analyse page. And it's increasing day by day. Let's go over each of them and see how you can use them to analyze your products based on your case.

How to change dimension?

Please click the menu button which is next to the Dimension text. It shows available dimensions. You can select a dimension to change the list.

Dimensions Explained

Let's go over each dimension and what it means for you.

Products: This dimension is the classic dimension of the reports page. Every line in the list represents a product including its variants.

Variants: This dimension is similar to the “Products” dimension but it separates variants of the products into new lines.

Product Type: This dimension groups your products with respect to their product types.

Options: In this dimension, you can choose among three options: Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3. These options are the options that are identified in Shopify. These options can take values such as Color or Size which solely depends on your configuration in Shopify. If you choose this dimension your products will be grouped by their options.

Vendor: This dimension groups your products with respect to their vendors.

Supplier: This dimension groups your products with respect to their suppliers.

Summary: This dimension shows your summary in one line.

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