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How to manage Variant Minimum Order Quantity warnings on Purchase Orders?
How to manage Variant Minimum Order Quantity warnings on Purchase Orders?

See if your product has a MOQ or Batch Size limits, while working on Purchase Orders.

Adrian avatar
Written by Adrian
Updated this week

1. Create a new or edit an existing Purchase Order.

2. On the line items, you can see the setted MOQ. In the case below, there are 5 warnings that should be fixed.

Clicking the Warnings (5) button, will open a modal to list available actions.

3. In this example, we can update quantity columns of the line items to please the minimum order quantity and batch size that is setted on the Products page.

Lets' start by fixing the minimum order quantity first, and click Apply MOQ button.

4. Applying MOQ, has fixed the batch size warning for 2 products too. For the remaining warning, we can click either Round Up or Round Down to apply the batch size.

5. If all is good on your case too, click on the Close button to continue.

6. As a result, all items are updated according to the actions you have taken, and the warning button has been removed.

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