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How to Set Batch Size in Fabrikatör?
How to Set Batch Size in Fabrikatör?
Sophia avatar
Written by Sophia
Updated over a week ago

In Fabrikatör, you can set batch size in two ways:

1. Setting Batch Size from the Product Page (Bulk Edit)

  1. Navigate to Product Page:

    • Go to the Configure section and select the Products page.

  2. Select Products:

    • Choose the products for which you want to set the batch size.

  3. Bulk Edit:

    • Click on the Bulk Edit button.

  4. Set Batch Size:

    • Select Set Batch Size from the options.

    • Enter the desired batch size.

  5. Save Changes:

    • Click Save to apply the batch size to the selected products.

2. Updating Batch Size via Bulk Import

  1. Start Import Process:

    • Click the Import button on the Configure - Products page.

  2. Download Example File:

    • Download the example CSV file from the modal that appears.

  3. Prepare Your CSV File:

    • Update your CSV file with the latest Fabrikatör ID of the product and the new batch size.

  4. Upload CSV File:

    • Upload your updated CSV file.

  5. Match Columns:

    • Ensure that the columns in your file match the required format.

  6. Resolve Errors:

    • Address any errors indicated during the import process.

  7. Import Data:

    • Click Import Data to update the batch sizes.

You can export current products and then add batch size column to CSV file.

You can export current products and then add batch size coloumn to CSV file

After following these steps, your batch sizes will be updated accordingly.

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