You can easily send Purchase Orders (POs) from Fabrikatör to QuickBooks Online, ensuring that products, quantities, and costs are synchronized. The integration process takes only about 1 minute. Follow these steps to set up the integration:
Steps to Integrate Fabrikatör with QuickBooks Online
Click on Integration under your Profile in Fabrikatör.
Connect to QuickBooks Online: Click Connect on the Integrations Page.
Authorize and allow Fabrikatör to access your QuickBooks Online account.
Configure Event Mappings: Set up the event mappings as follows:
When a PO is created in Fabrikatör: Choose Do nothing, Create PO on QuickBooks or Update PO on QuickBooks
When a PO is approved in Fabrikatör: Choose Do nothing, Create PO on QuickBooks or Update PO on QuickBooks
When a PO is updated in Fabrikatör: Choose Do nothing, Create PO on QuickBooks or Update PO on QuickBooks
5. Finalize Integration: Confirm and complete the integration setup.
QuickBooks Online Integration Requirements
1. Enable Purchase Orders Feature in QuickBooks:
Ensure that the Purchase Orders feature is turned on in QuickBooks Online. For detailed instructions, visit the QuickBooks Online Help Center.
2. Required QuickBooks Plans:
You must have one of the following QuickBooks Online plans to use the purchase order feature:
QuickBooks Online Plus
QuickBooks Online Advanced
The purchase order functionality is only available in these plans. If you are using a different plan, consider upgrading to access this feature.
Viewing Purchase Order Details
To view purchase order details click on the QuickBooks icon under the Activities section on the PO.