You can easily send Purchase Orders (POs) from Fabrikatör to Xero, ensuring that products, quantities, and costs are synchronized. The integration process takes only about 1 minute. Follow these steps to set up the integration:
Steps to Integrate Fabrikatör with Xero
Click on Integration under your Profile in Fabrikatör.
Connect to Xero: Click Connect on the Integrations Page.
Authorize and allow Fabrikatör to access your Xero account.
Configure Event Mappings: Set up the event mappings as follows:
When a PO is created in Fabrikatör: Choose Do nothing, Create PO on Xero or Update PO on Xero
When a PO is approved in Fabrikatör: Choose Do nothing, Create PO on Xero or Update PO on Xero
When a PO is updated in Fabrikatör: Choose Do nothing, Create PO on Xero or Update PO on Xero
5. Finalize Integration: Confirm and complete the integration setup.
Viewing Purchase Order Details
To view purchase order details click on the Xero icon under the Activities section on the PO.
Xero Online Requirements
1. Enable Track Inventory or Purchase Settings:
Ensure that the Track Inventory or Purchase settings are enabled in Xero
For detailed instructions, visit the Xero Help Center.
2. Add PO currency to Xero
You must ensure that the currency is defined in Xero for POs. If the currency is not defined, the PO will not be created on Xero.
For more information, visit the Xero Help Center.
For a visual guide, you can watch the interactive demo to walk you through the process.