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Why should you use Fabrikatör's bundles in addition to your bundles app?
Why should you use Fabrikatör's bundles in addition to your bundles app?

This article explains in which cases Fabrikatör's bundles feature is helpful to use by showing the differences with other bundles apps.

Bahadir Efeoglu avatar
Written by Bahadir Efeoglu
Updated over a week ago

In the realm of Shopify, managing the components of bundles can sometimes lead to confusion, largely due to how these bundles are processed.

When purchasing from suppliers, you typically buy individual SKUs (components) and not the bundles themselves.

These components are then either physically bundled at your warehouse or presented as virtual bundles in your online store.

What is the difference between bundle apps and Fabrikatör?

Although both work with bundles, they focus on solving different problems.

🟢 Bundle apps are typically responsible of adjusting the inventory level of the bundle components when a bundle is sold.

🟢 Fabrikatör is responsible of accurately forecasting your inventory, including bundle components.

While your bundle app keeps the inventory at the right stock level, Fabrikatör attributes the bundle sales down to the bundle components. This allows Fabrikatör to accurately forecast the demand for components by considering both individual and bundle sales.

🤝 That's why you should consider Fabrikatör as a complementary tool to your existing processes and not as a replacement to your existing bundle app.

What's the best practice of using Fabrikatör's bundle feature?

Based on the bundle configurations you have on your existing bundles app, you should create the same bundles on Fabrikatör. Remember, this is important for Fabrikatör to attribute bundle sales to components. Follow this guide to create your first bundle.

I have too many bundles, can I bulk import them?

Absolutely yes! Please send us a CSV file including the SKUs of bundles and its components along with the quantities of components in each bundle. Our team will happily import this into our system and will let you know. This may take a few days based on our workload, please bear with us while we work on it.

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